Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thrusters Demo

Thrusters Demo

30 Oct WOD

Today's WOD will challenge your soul

Warm ups:
Agility and movement drills for 5-10 mins

Skill Tech work:
Row 500-800m with focus on (strokes/min) goal here is to work for tech & consistency at a moderate pace 32-35 s/m
Front Squat (PVC pipe) or empty bar (x10 reps) focus on technique 
Pull-ups variations ( jumping pull-up using box jump platform), Kipping pull-up, rubber band assisted, dead hang.

WOD: Runaway Fran

Thrusters (95/65lbs) 21-15-9
Pull-ups 21-15-9
Row 1K, 750m,500m

Thursday, October 25, 2012

26 Oct WOD

This WOD seems pretty simple but should provide you all with a full body workout with a focus on strength.

Warm -ups 
Movement and Agility drills:

Everything stretch 
High knees
Toy Soldiers
Knees to chest
x10 Long jumps (5 out and 5 back)
25 Air squats
Run 400m then row for same amount of time x3 rds

Skill technical (functional movement improvements)
x30 KB swings (1 arm swings, 15 on ea hand)
x3 Front squats @ body weight
x 25 GHD sit-ups

WOD: 10rds For time 

KB Swings 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
     Burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

So you will execute 10 KB Swings then 1 burpee and follow the progressions for 10 rds (Scale weight and Rds as needed for your Soldiers)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tues 23 Oct WOD

Today's WOD will be a body weight focused Chipper WOD

Everything stretch 
Run 1 mile @60-70% of max pace

WOD: 1rd
60 push-ups
50 body rows (same as PRT exercise)
40 sit-ups
30 Air squats
20 dips
10 box jumps
5 pull-ups

Finish with 10 mins of death by burpee to pull-ups

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16 OCT 12 WOD

Todays' WOD will focus on APFT improvement

Tabata circuts

x8 intervals ea
25m sprints 
15/25 push-ups
25 situps

Finish with 1 mile all out run

Thursday, October 11, 2012

12 Oct WOD


Run 400m (for every min do 25 push-ups)
10 Burpee to box jumps (20in)
10 GHD ( can be scaled to 25 reps of sit-ups or butterfly sit-ups)
10 Thrusters 95/65

Finish with Tabata of push-ups x1 set and x1 set of sit-ups
(Tabata 20 secs of work then 10 secs of rest x8 intervals=4min of total work) 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tues 9 Sept WOD

Were back after a few weeks in the field. Over the next few weeks we will tailor our WODs towards APFT improvement. 

Warm -up:
Agility based stretches 7-10 mins
 Skill Tech
25 Air squats
25 Jumping jacks
25 walking lunges
Jog 4-800m


Run 3 miles
50 push -ups, 50 butter-fly sit-ups and 25 lunges to start and at each mile. 
Total should equal 200/100 reps

10mins of Death by burpee to pull-up......welcome back :)