Jungle Cat CrossFit Programming

The CrossFit HQ workout of the day was originally a five-on/two-off pattern, and it worked perfectly. Studies have shown, however, that a three-day-on/one-day-off pattern, as per the CrossFit main site, is best for high volume, high-intensity work. The problem with this pattern is that it does not sync with the five-day-on/two-day-off pattern that governs the U.S. Army. For this reason, we have adopted a five-day-on/two-day-off regimen that nests nicely with the standard U.S. Army five-day workweek. Jungle Cat CrossFit programming will be taking on a new focus meant to improve core strength and overall technique. To promote these goals, the old programming schedule has been modified to one that focuses on heavy weight lifting at the start of the week, when participants are the best rested. Since these heavy workouts do not take much time by themselves, this ensures more time is available to improve technique for the day’s intended lift. Ensuing WODs follow the standard couplet/triplet schedule, with occasional sprint and endurance drills to keep things interesting.