Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wed 29 AUG WOD

Today's WOD will focus on endurance

Warm up will be:
2 laps around baseball field with 25 push ups & 25 air squats per lap and finish with 10 dead hang pull-ups

Row 1K
Rest 2 mins 
Run to corner (Dixie Rd) and back
Row 800m 
Rest 1:30sec
Run (same as above)
Row 600m
Rest 1min
Run (same as above)
Row 400m
Rest 30sec
Run (same as above)
Row 200m
No Rest-Get movin......
Run (same as above)
Finish with 25 push-ups, 25 air squats & 10 dead hang pull-ups

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Fri 24 Aug WOD

This one should fun gang.....

Warm up: Agility movements with a focus on lower body

WOD: 3rds of 30-20-10 reps of
KB swings 60/45lbs
Butterfly sit-ups
Thrusters 95/65lbs or Goblet squats (hold KB at chest level while conducting Air squat)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Tues 21 Aug WOD

Were back after a long weekend and today's WOD should help get us ready for another short week.

Warm up: 25 Air squats to loosen the hips and 25 push-ups for an upper body warm up. Run 1 mile run- 1st 1/2 mile at 50% and last 1/2 mile at 75% of 2mile time pace.

2 rds
Rest for exact amount of time required to complete each interval (so if it takes you 3min to complete 600m row then your rest period is 3mins)

Row 600m 
Row 2K

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Fri 17 Aug WOD


Run 800m
50 Back extensions 
50 sit-ups

Monday, August 13, 2012

CF Competition WOD posted below instructional videos

Kettlebell Farmer Walk Exercise

CrossFit Sumo Dead Lift High Pull

Sumo Dead Lift High Pull

August '12 Jungle Cat CrossFit Competition nicknamed "Hurricane Hell"

Tomorrow's competition will feature x2 heats. First heat will be all female competitors followed by the male competitors after a 5 min interval. 

SSG Galloway will start warm up's at appx 0630.
Agility focused with a 5 min overview of the exercises..

WOD "Hurricane Hell"  

1K Row
25 Kettle Bell swings
800m row
50m farmers carry w/55lb KBs or water cans (full) 
600m row
25 sumo deadlift high pull
400m row
300 single unders (jump rope)
200m row
1 lap around baseball field w 14/20lb medicine ball

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Scorpion Stretch

WOD Friday 10 Aug 12

Today's WOD will be a Chipper (1rd of 4 or more exercises), lengthy but defiantly a character builder and designed to be performed outside vic EN field with no additional resources. 
Coaches will start with agility based warm-ups with focus on lower body & hip opening exercises.
Start with .5 mile run or 2 laps around EN field baseball diamond
For 25m 
high knees
toy soldiers
lateral shuffle
then lie flat and conduct the scorpion stretch 5 on each side & 15 Air squats

WOD: Fuzzy 50
Perform 50 reps of each, 1rd for time (time priority WOD)

box jumps
walking lunge steps (25 down & 25 back)
knees to elbows
flutter kicks or mountain climbers (1-2-3-4-1 count)
air squats 

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Weightlifting accident......

This is why we stay with mostly body weight WODs.....these Oly lifts are difficult & take years of practice to perfect and even then this happens! Not discouraging the peanut gallery but just highlighting the importance of working into lifts thru technique before we progress weight & intensity.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Tues 7 Aug WOD

Tuesday's WOD will be fun but should provide a challenge for everyone. This WOD is a work priority task (Soldiers will work for a set amount of Rds) Classified as a couplet (two exercises).

Warm up/Skill Tech:
Min 15 mins
Agility based warm-ups

WOD 5rds for time AFAP 
Swim 50m
25 push-ups

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mon 6 Aug WOD

 Today's WOD will be a time priority MetCon (Metabolic or anaerobic conditioning) and focused on Cardio.
AFAP (as fast as possible) 

With weighted vest or IBA w/plates complete 5rds
Run to Cardiac Hill @ 50% pace, rest x1 min then from the bottom of the hill

sprint halfway up, 5 push-ups, 5 Air squats then bear crawl to top = 1 rd

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CrossFit education 101

Team, here's a look at CrossFit workout categories

  • Weightlifting - Powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting workouts

  • Endurance - Swimming, biking, running, or indoor rowing

  • Bodyweight - Workouts involving bodyweight exercises only i.e. Burpees :)

  • Kettlebells - Kettlebell workouts with or without bodyweight exercises i.e. Turkish get ups

  • Singlets - Single element workouts; weightlifting (W),  bodyweight (B), or Metcons (M) (Met)abolic (con)ditioning- Metcons don't have a true definition but usually require 
  • 1. High heart rate
  • 2. Simultaneous use of many muscles
  • 3. Continuous movement
  • 4. Short to medium time (5-30 min)
  • 5. Increased breathing rate 
  • 6 Pain :)
  • Fran is a great example of a Metcon
  • 21-15-9 Thrusters and pull-ups
  • Couplets - Two element workouts; WM, BM, WW, WB, etc. i.e. Thrusters and burpees would be a WB-weightlifting and bodyweight WOD

  • Triplets - Three element workouts - BWM, WBM, WWB, BBB, etc.

  • Hybrids - Mixed-modal workouts, four or more exercises performed for multiple rounds i.e.
  • 5rds for time
  • 12 box jumps
  • 6 toes to bar
  • 6 Thrusters
  • 12 KB swings

  • Chippers - Multiple exercises in single round format
  • Jungle Cat 11 WOD is a great Chipper example

  • The Hopper - All workouts

  • AMRAP - Work-priority WODs, "As many rounds as possible" (set time i.e. 12 min AMRAP 7 burpees, 7 deadlifts, 7 wall ball shots) 

  • Hero - WODs named in honor of fallen Mil/LEO (these are meant to break you off)

  • Girls - CFHQ's original named benchmark WODs