Team, here's a look at CrossFit workout categories
- Weightlifting - Powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting workouts
- Endurance - Swimming, biking, running, or indoor rowing
- Bodyweight - Workouts involving bodyweight exercises only i.e. Burpees :)
- Kettlebells - Kettlebell workouts with or without bodyweight exercises i.e. Turkish get ups
- Singlets - Single element workouts; weightlifting (W), bodyweight (B), or Metcons (M) (Met)abolic (con)ditioning- Metcons don't have a true definition but usually require
- 1. High heart rate
- 2. Simultaneous use of many muscles
- 3. Continuous movement
- 4. Short to medium time (5-30 min)
- 5. Increased breathing rate
- 6 Pain :)
- Fran is a great example of a Metcon
- 21-15-9 Thrusters and pull-ups
- Couplets - Two element workouts; WM, BM, WW, WB, etc. i.e. Thrusters and burpees would be a WB-weightlifting and bodyweight WOD
- Triplets - Three element workouts - BWM, WBM, WWB, BBB, etc.
- Hybrids - Mixed-modal workouts, four or more exercises performed for multiple rounds i.e.
- 5rds for time
- 12 box jumps
- 6 toes to bar
- 6 Thrusters
- 12 KB swings
- Chippers - Multiple exercises in single round format
- Jungle Cat 11 WOD is a great Chipper example
- The Hopper - All workouts
- AMRAP - Work-priority WODs, "As many rounds as possible" (set time i.e. 12 min AMRAP 7 burpees, 7 deadlifts, 7 wall ball shots)
- Hero - WODs named in honor of fallen Mil/LEO (these are meant to break you off)
- Girls - CFHQ's original named benchmark WODs
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